Why EMS Training?
Welcome to The VTC!
You can build muscle mass and endurance with any fitness tool. While that is true, it’s much easier to make progress if you have a way to load each movement, like with barbells and Dumbbells... this is why we usually choose to lift heavy barbells instead of doing endless push-ups and air squats. Muscles need tension and EMS is a great way to add tension to your training program!
So if you don’t have access to heavy barbells or dumbbells... I mean if you’re on the road a lot, are stuck at home because of COVID, are traveling a lot, or just want to try something new then an EMS Suit is a great option to help to create tension when you lack a real gym in which to train. Training with EMS is about convenience. It’s small, easy to throw in a travel bag, fairly easy to get, and can provide vicious muscular tension!
Programs using mostly bodyweight movements plus a few portable pieces of equipment like bands, kettlebells, or sling trainer are extremely valuable at the moment. To boost this minimalist training, EMS is the most powerful tool you can get these days.
What follows is a workout using functional movements powered by EMS to help you maintain and build muscle, muscular endurance, and a great looking physique.
Hope you enjoy it!
5 Helpful Training Tipps
Google any movement in which you’re not familiar and practice it before you start the training routine.
Use the exercise used in the video, but adjust as needed given to your particular situation. if you have questions write it down in the comment section. I will answer every training related question within 24hours!
Only perform technically perfect reps. If form breaks down, stop and rest till you have enough energy to again perform perfect reps.
The intent is to do 2-3 workouts per week and no longer than 90min total. We recommend 20-30min on Tuesday, 20-30min on Thursday, 20-30min on Saturday or Sunday. But do as you can. Consistency is king.
Feel free to switch out any movements that are painful or are beyond your technical capabilities.
Definitions & Terms
AMRAP = As Many Repetitions As Possible in a specific amount of time (usually between 5 to 20min)
EMOM = Every minute on the minute means you perform each minute a specific number of exercises with a fixed number of repetitions. You repeat this every new minute on and on. For Example: 5x Push up then 10x Crunch then 15x Squat within 1 min for a total of 5 rounds which means for 5min)
FT = For Time ( You perform a specific amount of repetitions for each exercise and try to do this in the fastest time possible )
TA = Tabata Style Training which means more work timeless resting time like the 20s ON plus 10s Pause for 6-8 rounds.
SS = Superset (Two exercises performed in constant exchange with each other)
TS = Triset ( Three exercises performed in a row followed by a small pause)
CT = Circuit Training (More than 3 exercises performed in a row followed by some resting time.)
For this workout routine, you need no further equipment.
EMS Performance Checklist
You drank 2 glasses of water 20-30min before your training.
You slept at least 6-8 hours the last night.
You are not underate and stressed before you start the training. A small snack is a good choice and does not use intense training to counterbalance stress. This spiral goes not in your favor!
Do not use anybody lotions before the training.
You did not drink alcohol at least 12hours before the training.
Make sure to get a proper warm-up. Not for the sake of getting sweaty for the electricity but your muscle and joint health!
Your Training
carefully put on your Visionbody EMS Suit. Do not wear any jewelry and take care of your fingernails if you are a woman. When you use the zipper to close the back of the suit, fix the bottom of the zipper with one hand and pull the zip cord carefully up until it’s fully closed.
Fix the Visionbody Box on your suit but do not push any buttons. For the warm-up, you do not need the box right now switched on.
Start the video and begin with our 5-7min Warm-up routine.
Then start the Box and adjust the Program:
Step 1: Endurance / Step 2: Endurance 1 / Step 3: 20min / Step 4: Medium / Step 5: 4s vs 4s
After the adjustment pushes the start-button and re-start the workout video too. From now on you just follow the training video instructions.
If you feel uncomfortable feel free to press the pause button whenever you want to. This training should not hurt or harm you in any way!
One last word about INTENSITY
Our % is not equal to weights, speed, or the feeling of burning. You are not the fittest person in the house if you put up the regulators to 90%! Do your workout and feel that the Suit is contracting your muscles with an extra squeeze. Do not fight the suit by contracting as hard as you can against the contraction. Do your workout and let the electricity do her silent wonder work for you.
Warm-Up, 5min (Video)
Start the Warm Up with your suit on but without electric impulses. Each Exercise is done for the 30s and then you got 10-15s to switch to the next exercise. Repeat them as a circuit for 2 times.
Easy Bouncing ‘30
Quad Rocking ‘30
Bird Dogs ‘30
Hamstring Circles ‘30
Quad Rock Stretch ‘30
Running in Place ‘30
Training, 15min (Video)
Start the Training with your suit on and with electric impulses from your box.
Round 1+2
Start the Training with your suit on and with electric impulses from your box.
High Knee Marching ‘30
A Skippings ‘20
Single leg Lunge Jumps Right ‘20
Single leg Lunge Jumps Left ‘20
Pause the 30s after the first round and repeat 2 more times!
Round 3+4
Start the Training with your suit on and with electric impulses from your box.
Running in Place ‘30
Split Jumps ‘20
Running in Place ‘20
Push-ups ‘20
Pause the 30s after the first round and repeat 2 more times!
Recovery, 5-6min (Video)
Start the Cool Down with your suit on but without electric impulses. Each Exercise is done for the 60s and then you got 10-15s to switch to the next exercise. Repeat them as a circuit for 2 times.
Superman ‘30
Couch Stretch ‘30 Right /’30 Left
Pigeon ‘30 Right /’30 Left
If you still got power after that then please leave me a comment underneath in the comment section!? As you i always want to improve my performance. No matter if good or bad. Be honest! I am the same with you too!
All the best and enjoy your day!