What is the VB Training Club?
With VB Training Club you will get full access to our Visionbody training related Newsletter, Blog and our Zoom Educations.
We combine Functional Training, Cardio and High Intensive Intervall Workouts with the boosting effects of our unique Visionbody EMS Technology.
Sign up now and never miss an update or training with us!
Why EMS Training?
Welcome to The VB20!
You can build muscle and endurance with any fitness tool. While that is true, it’s much easier to make progress if you have a way to load each movement, like with barbells and Dumbbells... this is why we usually choose to lift heavy barbells instead of doing endless push-ups and air squats. Muscles need tension and EMS is a great way to add tension and boost your training routine!
If you’re on the road a lot, are stuck at home because of COVID, traveling a lot, or just want to try something new then an EMS Suit is a great option to help to create tension when you lack a real gym in which to train. Training with EMS is about convenience. It’s small, easy to throw in a travel bag, fairly easy to get, and can provide vicious muscular tension!
To boost your training EMS is the most powerful tool you can get these days.
Hope you enjoy it!
Johannes - Director of Performance at VB20
What you will find here…
Blog Articles
During the week Johannes writes several blog articles about healthy lifestyle, training, and nutrition that will support your training routine with the Visionbody EMS PowerSuit.
Visionbody Academy
Our Academy Teachings are the best way to kick-start your Visionbody experience. Our Head of Training, Johannes, will show you how to get started with your brand new PowerSuit. Join our 30min Zoom-Teachings!
For EMS Trainers, Affiliates & Partners
Monday and Thursday 10AM to 1PM. Make an appointment here.
For Home Clients
Monday and Thursday 6PM. Make a appointment here. Sign up here.
Für Home Kunden
Montag und Donnerstag 7:00Uhr. Hier kannst du dich anmelden. Sign up here.
Youtube Exercise Library
We will post exercises and 5-20min workout and warm-up routines with the Visionbody EMS PowerSuit and PowerPants on our Youtube Channel. So that you can train on your own at home. The opportunities are limitless with our EMS PowerSuit.
Want to know more? Then subscribe here and be part of our Visionbody community! Our company is like a big family and every customer is part of it!
We are looking forward to seeing and hear from you and your training experiences!
To find out more about the Visionbody and our ems training system? Then visit our website on www.vision-body.com.
Share it with your friends
If you believe one of your friends might be interested too, then feel free to share our content with him or her. We would be very happy to welcome them.
“Power to you and be Visionbody!”
Johannes, Director of Performance at VB20 Training Club